As we gather more information I hope to be able to comment on pieces of DNA that denote different lineages. This will take some time to analyse. So to wet your appetite we start with the project I did with Liam Jurgens where we investigated where his blue eyes and red hair came from. The red squares and circles indicate red hair which is carried through as a recessive trait. As a young girl I remember being jealous of red headed girls. I thought auburn hair was beautiful, so you can imagine my surprise and joy when I had a red headed baby. I had a red hair gene all the time and didn’t know it! The tree was made in 5th November 2014, so there are errors in it, but it also shows what developments we have made in our knowledge of the family since then.

One of the first family trees I constructed with my son Liam Jurgens as part of a school project  (5th November 2014). We were investigating where his blue eyes and red hair came from.

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