Clur Family Dennis Alwin Clur (1930-2003) was the son of Alwin Bernard Clur and Selina Pearson Ancestors of Johann Michael Clur (great grandfather of Dennis Alwin Clur) and Louise Wilhelmine Fleidt (great grandmother of Dennis Alwin Clur). Parents of Louise Caroline Puchert, grandmother of Dennis Alwin Clur Ancestors of Selina Clur nee Pearson (1907-1933), mother of Dennis Alwin Clur Complete Clur family tree as it was thought to be in 2019. Corrections have been made and people added since then. A new version will be published shortly!TIP: use the zoom function to see the names. Just move your curser over the person of interest. Please also see: Old Clur photographs The Clurs (Clours) of Welschneureut (1700-1809) Carl Friedrich Clur (1861-1913 ) and Louise Caroline Puchert (1865-1953) In search of Carl and Wilhelmine Marie Wilhelmine Werbelow – 1833-1923 Carl Georg Puchert – 1834-1914