Carl Georg Puchert – 1834-1914

There are some inconsitancies about the birthplace of Carl Georg Puchert. Some family trees list it as “1834 – Wolschow, Kreis, Prenzlau, Brandenburg, Germany”. Now Wolschow (in German) is Volšovy (in Czech) and is a small village in the Czech Republic, part of the Sušice city in Klatovy district. Thus not in Prenzlau and not in Germany. Kries is a Government district and not the name of a place. There is a WOLLSCHOW in East Germany but no trace of Werbelows or Pucherts can be found there. (See also The alternative theory is that Carl originated from ROSSOW and with a little knowledge of the old German handwriting and lettering this seems more likely. The German figure Eszett looks like “st” or “lt” but is equivalent to “ss”, and after looking at the handwriting on the original passenger lists of the San Francisco I can only come up with Rossow.

Rossow, Prenzlau where Carl Georg Puchert lived before his emigration to South Africa

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