
Edward Adolphus Cusens

Much of the information about the Barker family comes from Bessie Barker who spent many hours visiting local church archives and Denise Clur nee Barker who spent much time in the London archives.

Additional information has been added with the help of David Brown and the notes of his mother Nancie.

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7 Replies to “Barker”

  1. When u research the Bath Barkers, have a look at the Barker artist family who lived in Bath. The father and son were quite famous – look at wikipaedia. The house they lived in was designed by Gandy – an architect/illustrator who worked for Sir John Soane -his museum is in Lincoln inn Fields.
    The house has one of the largest frescoes done in England at the time (1820s).
    ive always wondered about the art connection and the same name??????

  2. another weird one…. more weird work 4 u
    our granddad Barkers mothers mother ( on the left hand side) whose sister married the von Hirschberg. These two girls had a mother who had a name Powes or Powers….Lynette says that she came from Powerscourt in Ireland…can this b verified? or at least made into a credible myth?

    1. Not that I know, besides when I was there of course. We (me, Wilfried, Liam and his friend Mats) just had a wonderful holiday at the sea. We stayed at an apartment very near a very good friend of Wilfried’s and had dinners and drinks together.

  3. Heritage has our DNA – swabs, blood, sweat, tears, bone fragments, incisors and genitals- Couriering body parts across the globe is more difficult than imagined….not to mention life changing for the sample person…….is this a price I really want to pay?

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