
Welcome to the Barker-Clur website. This site was created to make a record of the family tree and anecdotes that is as complete and correct as possible. The site covers 4 main lineages namely Barker and Watkins, Pearson and Clur. It tells a story of repeated hardships, persecution, disillusionment and emigration through the years, but most of all tells of the strength and courage that lead to the amazing achievements of the people mentioned in it. Please also see the Clur Website on My Heritage (myheritage.nl/site-261459451/clur) where the entire family tree can be seen.

When I was a young girl many of the extended family congregated at my grandfather William Edward (Bill) Barkers’ house in Port Alfred for Christmas and the end of year summer holidays. As that house became synonymous with family reunions, I have chosen this beautiful painting of it, created by my talented mother Denise Clur nee Barker, as the symbol for the website. The painting used in the header is also one of my mother’s, this time of the graveyard of the beautiful Norman Church (Saxon foundations) in Billingham on Tees where my brother Alwin William Barker Clur was Christened.  I chose a church graveyard, as much of the information in this website was gathered from church records and  gravestones. 

The website is the product of extensive genealogical research done by Bessie McDougall, Denise Barker Clur and Sally-Ann Clur so far. This website is still under construction, bits are being added all the time, so be sure to see what is new in recent activities. There is also much more work to do and your comments and contributions are welcome. We are especially interested in personal anecdotes so that not only the tree, but the personalities of the people therein, live on. Some sections of the website have limited access and a password will only be granted to family members on request. To obtain a password you need to contact me.  If you have comments or information you wish to share, please contact me at: sallyannclur@icloud.com.                                                                                      

As a consequence of this website and the exploration of my genetic heritage I have come into contact with several cousins that I would never otherwise have connected with. They have each brought contributions to the website by sharing family documents, photographs and family tales. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge their contributions. David Brown, Annemarie Xavier, Marilù Fiorillo, Leisel Puchert Smith and Kim Jack – thank-you!

Copyright: © saclur